Art for War in the Mid-Modern Era
Art for War in the Mid-Modern Era During the era of art that we call "Mid-Modern", there were three wars. These were World War II, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War. In this time, art was used to influence the minds of the public. Propaganda was spread far and wide to get recruit people for these wars, the Cold War was a special case we will go over later, and spread awareness about them. Today, we will look at examples of art related to each of these wars. World War II The first work in this week's lineup is an American icon. This is "Rose the Riveter". Rosie was a real person, who inspired the creation of this poster. During WWII, most of the men had gone to war, and the nation needed workers to keep it alive. This poster was meant to give women confidence to join the American work force. It was produced by Westinghouse and the actual art was done by J. Howard Miller in 1942. This image gives the viewer the feeling of empowerment and unity among compatr...